The choir director is an enthusiastic professional musician who attended the church I grew up in, so I’ve known him quite a while. He has great dreams for us; I think he wants us to be the next Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. He challenges us to sing complicated four to five-part harmony pieces. He recently procured a set of tympanis off of Ebay. He’s really gung-ho about the whole thing.
When I joined the choir, I was sent off to the alto section, which isn’t necessarily the section with women who have lower voices, but rather the section with women who can read music. Being named an alto was quite a shock to me. I’ve always been a soprano. Though my voice has gotten lower since the birth of my children, I can still hit a high A on a good day. Good days happen once every six months or so, but still.
Sopranos get the best parts. This is simply a fact. They almost always sing the melody and they get more solos. Being forced to sing as an alto has been quite a blow to my inner-diva.
However, if sopranos are prima donnas, then altos are snobs. As an alto, I’ve found myself sighing impatiently during the occasions when the sopranos sing harmony. So used to singing the melody, they need their part played over and over again. Altos think sopranos are helpless and needy and sopranos don’t think about the altos at all. Music is all very politically complicated.
I began to embrace my new alto status. I made notes in my music and learned how to find my pitch based on what the basses and tenors had been singing. I enjoyed alto camaraderie as we all rolled our eyes together after the sopranos screeched out a high-pitched, very flat b flat. We met beforehand in the practice room to go over the music, and divvied up the high and low alto parts.
Yes, life as an alto was satisfying. And less taxing on the old vocal chords, too. That is, until we started practicing the Hallelujah Chorus for Easter Sunday. My inner-diva came out in full throttle.
The Hallelujah Chorus is awesome. It might be my favorite composition in the history of compositions. Whenever someone tells me they don’t believe in God, I look at them, astonished, and say, “Have you never listened to the Hallelujah Chorus???” The Hallelujah Chorus makes me want to jump up and down and run around the room like a Pentecostal. And the sopranos, as usual, have the best part in the piece. They, alone, sing King of Kings (while everyone else sings forever and ever, hallelujah, hallelujah) and Lord of Lords! The tension slowly rises, and the focus is all on the sopranos.
Let’s not forget the final hallelujah at the tail-end of the song. Again, it’s all about the sopranos. One analysis of the piece states that “it ends triumphantly with trilling tympani and a huge plagal cadence on the word ‘Hallelujah.’” I don’t know about that (true sopranos care little about technicalities and music jargon- it is of diminished importance when compared to our soaring vibrato voices), all I know is that singing the alto part seemed… lame (in comparison to the soprano part.) I submit than when anyone thinks of angels singing in the sky, they think of the soprano part and not the alto part, or even the tenor or bass parts.
Like a true quasi-professional, i.e. a person singing in the local church choir who happens to read music, I sucked up my enormous soprano pride and learned the alto arrangement. And it was maybe a little bit fun. However, on Easter morning, I knew (with true soprano egotism)that the plagal chord at the end would have been all that more triumphant if I had been singing as a soprano.
Here are some pics of the kids on Easter:
Oh, my dear Holly,
How blinded you are to the true greatness of the alto! You must understand that the thick, sultry voice of the alto is much more of a lure than is the high screech of the soprano. Plus, how boring a song would be with just a melody. Without those altos, the music is just plain flat.
What would Les Mis's "I Dreamed a Dream" be with a soprano voice? Nothing! Those deep, rich, complementing tones are what allow the soprano her glory. We altos know deep down who is the greater, but we try not to brag. :)
Jessie- Alto- Andersen
So call yourself a mezzo-soprano and feel better.
BTW, you'd be surprised how many prima dona sopranos at Roberts couldn't read music to save their lives.
I think you have a beautiful voice!! This was such a funny post... I love your way with words.
I too, wanted to jump around like a Pentecostal (okay, maybe stretching the truth a bit there) but I TOTALLY get ya!
It was amazing and so well done! I felt as though I was singing with the angels in Heaven!
I appreciate your commitment! The choir is blessed to have you, alto or soprano.
so here it is:
i don't believe in god.
but i absolutely believe the hallelujah chorus.
both handel's and leonard cohen's.
and i also get all pentecostal over it.
but, then again, i do worship music.
I get all Bapticostal over the Hallelujah Chorus.
And I am a soprano who has mad respect for altos. I've tried singing alto and I inevitably just end up singing soprano no matter how hard I try. And yes, I do think the Hallelujah Chorus is much more fun as a soprano. Altos are just smarter is all. ;)
There's a reason they call us divas.
Jesse said it best...sultry....alto=hot.
Are you kidding? Angels most DEFINITELY have altos, basses, and tenors! The beautiful choral sound would be nothing without them! Sopranos are supposed to be just icing on the cake. Also, this is coming from a second soprano, or mezzo-soprano if you will, who can indeed read her music <3. Love this post tho! Someone had to say this.
Oh wow. Same thing happened to me except just the opposite. I was put in soprano one when I thought I was an Alto. -_-' Since I mainly speak in my chest voice people are surprised when they find out I can hit those high notes! ;) Lol. Although I hate having the center of attention. My attitude is Alto but I belong with the Sopranos. All.. the way... up there... sigh.
Your acting like alto is a bad thing its not. I agree without altos there is no song. Stop worrying about the high notes and just sing from the heart sing what you can. We are all divas no matter the vocal type
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