Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Good Nights Mean Good Mornings

Remember that commercial where the boy wets his bed in the middle of the night? He undresses quietly in the dark and puts on clean clothes. Ashamed and embarrassed, he finds a thin blanket and curls up in a fetal position on the floor beside his wet bed. He stays there until morning, while his parents sleep, unaware of his trouble.

I wish my kids would do that.


Mary said...

Thanks for the laugh Holly. Although I'm sure for you this is not funny. Also I have to tell you, yesterday I spoke to the incoming freshmen and their parents but before I spoke they showed a video with a few alumni (including John) every time they showed his face all I could think of was "yeah, he leaves his belt places" :)

Toaster said...

I spoke to incoming parents of freshman yesterday too--no photos of John though! :p

Christen Piston said...


Traci Michele said...

Oh man. I know! It's been back and forth with underwear and pulls at night with my 3 year old! UGGG