Wednesday, March 21, 2012


This weather just isn’t normal. It’s the most wonderful aberration I’ve ever witnessed. On March 19th, I got a slight sunburn. March 19th is technically still winter.

I totally expect it to snow come Easter.

Today, it is 78 degrees outside. In Rochester, NY. Last night I dreamt of daffodils and lilies-of-the-valley and blankets of blue forget-me-nots. My entire dream was about walking through a forest of flowers. For someone who generally spends March a phone call away from the psych ward, dreaming about flowers and waking up to sunshine and tweeting birds is an… aberration. A lovely aberration.

I took the twins for their five-year physical. They both passed, which was good. Ella fell in the parking lot today and had cuts and scrapes and bruises on her knees, elbows, and knuckles. Daniel has numerous bruises on his legs from playing his favorite game “Fast and Dangerous.” I’m not going to go into the specifics of the game; it involves his tricycle and a hill. I sat in the doctor’s room with the fish-bordered wall and was certain that once the nurse left the room, she would call social services.

The writing life is bustling at the moment. I’m now the parenting columnist for Edible Buffalo Magazine, I received a positive response from a query I sent out (I hope to have an essay published soon in this well-regarded magazine), I’ve picked up two new regular freelance clients, and my “novel” is 1/3 of the way written. Unless, of course, it isn’t, but I guess I won’t know that until it’s done. I’m convinced it’s total crap, but I persevere. It’s a total aberration for me to have stuck with any piece of writing for this long.

While other writing is coming along famously, I feel creatively bankrupt when it comes to this blog. I meant it when I said perhaps I’d run out of words. My kids aren’t cooperating. They aren’t providing the blog fodder they have in the past. Blog prompts on the internet are lame. Kiah the Wonder Dog has calmed down significantly which is wonderful, but who wants to read about a dog who lies around in the sun all day? There are ants in my kitchen. Do you want to hear my rant against ants in my kitchen? I didn’t think so.

So, I’m in desperate need of some blog inspiration. If you have any, send it my way. Until then, enjoy spring.

A Prayer in Spring

Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers to-day;
And give us not to think so far away
As the uncertain harvest; keep us here
All simply in the springing of the year.

Oh, give us pleasure in the orchard white,
Like nothing else by day, like ghosts by night;
And make us happy in the happy bees,
The swarm dilating round the perfect trees.

And make us happy in the darting bird
That suddenly above the bees is heard,
The meteor that thrusts in with needle bill,
And off a blossom in mid air stands still.

For this is love and nothing else is love,
The which it is reserved for God above
To sanctify to what far ends He will,
But which it only needs that we fulfill.
Robert Frost


Kim said...

I hesitantly took my snowbrush out of my car and stored it in the garage. While some people are unpacking the shorts and tanktops, I'm keeping the scarves and mittens handy. I've lived in Rochester my entire life. I've never lived in any other city ever. And in my thirtymuble years I have learned that snow-covered crocuses is far from impossible. It's a war, and Mother Nature is biding her time waiting to strike us all down in April.

Although, it could turn out to be just a lovely spring. I'm a big fan of global warming. :-)

hokgardner said...

Two days before my 5year check, I took a header down the brick stairs on my grandparents' terrace. I was covered, head to toe, in bruises. My mom was terrified that my pediatrician, who had also been my dad's doctor, would think they were abusing me. Then she remembered he was at the party and witness the fall. Phew.

Despite the drought, we're having a bumper crop of bluebonnets this year. The roadsides are so pretty, even if our yard is barren.

sarah m said...

I love our pediatrician. As he examines mutilated baby legs, he declares healthy kid bruises.

I have often thought that my family provides its fair share of crazy crap. Feel free to come over and be inspired :)

Jessica said...

Don't mention snow Holly!!!! Geesh! Just reading that put fear in me!! Don't wanna jinx us ;) nature is confused - let it stay that way hehe!

Amanda Gibson said...

I feel exactly the same way - I'm in a blog slump and it makes me feel really, really boring.

Way to go on all the writing, by the way - that's awesome!